
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019

Tips dan Trik Mempersiapkan Diri Wawancara Sukses Baik Offline/Online

     Dalam proses rekruitmen di era sekarang ini, perusahaan dalam melakukan wawancara ada beberapa cara yaitu Offline dengan bertemu langsung si pelamar kerja, lalu mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan dalam hal pekerjaan, dan melalui Online tidak jarang perusahaan melakukan wawancara jarak jauh dengan alat komunikasi video call kepada para pelamar yang berada di luar kota atau bahkan dinegara lain. Meski tidak bertatap muka, bukan berarti wawancara online ini lebih mudah diakali. Justru akan ada banyak tantangan dan gangguan yang bisa saja mengganggu kelancaran wawancara. Disini saya akan memberikan tips pada saat melakukan wawancara kerja baik melalui Offline (bertemu langsung) dan Online (melalui alat komunikasi). Offline 1.       Persiapkan  First Impression  ( Body Language ) Dengan cara bersalaman yang baik dan tatapan mata yang meyakinkan, Anda akan bisa membuat kesan pertama positif. Berikan senyuman ringan untuk apa yang ...

The Example of Tenses

1. Present Tense Sentence : I use Instagram every day.                    (saya menggunakan Instagram setiap hari) Reason    :  This sentence uses present tense and contains V1 (use) because adverb of time is every day. 2. Present Tense Sentence : I like Korea Drama.                     (saya suka drama korea) Reason    :  This sentence contains stative verb which is "like" because it does not action. 3. Present Tense Sentence : I love Sundays.                     (saya suka hari minggu) Reason     : This sentence contains stative verb which is "love" because it does not action. 4. Present Perfect Sentence : He hasn't come this class for ten minutes.                     (dia belum datang kelas ini selama se...

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris 1

1.  My opinion about the best economy system for Indonesia In my opinion, a suitable economic system in Indonesia is the economic system of pancasila. Because Indonesia is made up of people who love to work and contribute together as there is on the four sila (democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representative). Indonesia would prefer discussion communities, cooperation, and mutual, contribute in solving the problem. Mutual respect and respect for the opinions of others. Indonesia economic circumstances have not been evenly distributed, because by environmental or natural circumstances vary and customs that are variegated. Example: 1.  The people in the big city will quickly come forward because of the way he thinks is alreadies modern.   2. Badui in which is in Banten, will be difficult going forward because of their custom of banning to accept globalization era or the progress of the times. While the governments job is improve their prosperi...

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

1.  My opinion about the best economy system for Indonesia In my opinion, a suitable economic system in Indonesia is the economic system of pancasila. Because Indonesia is made up of people who love to work and contribute together as there is on the four sila (democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representative). Indonesia would prefer discussion communities, cooperation, and mutual, contribute in solving the problem. Mutual respect and respect for the opinions of others. Indonesia economic circumstances have not been evenly distributed, because by environmental or natural circumstances vary and customs that are variegated. Example: 1.  The people in the big city will quickly come forward because of the way he thinks is alreadies modern.   2. Badui in which is in Banten, will be difficult going forward because of their custom of banning to accept globalization era or the progress of the times. While the governments job is improve their prosper...