The Example of Tenses
1. Present Tense
Sentence : I use Instagram every day.
(saya menggunakan Instagram setiap hari)
Reason : This sentence uses present tense and contains V1 (use) because adverb of time is every day.
2. Present Tense
Sentence : I like Korea Drama.
(saya suka drama korea)
Reason : This sentence contains stative verb which is "like" because it does not action.
3. Present Tense
Sentence : I love Sundays.
(saya suka hari minggu)
Reason : This sentence contains stative verb which is "love" because it does not action.
4. Present Perfect
Sentence : He hasn't come this class for ten minutes.
(dia belum datang kelas ini selama sepuluh menit)
Reason : This sentence uses present perfect and contains has + V3 (hasn't come) because adverb of time is since.
5. Present Perfect
Sentence : You have just met me
(kamu baru saja bertemu saya )
Reason : This sentence uses present perfect and contain have + V3 (have just met) because adverb of time is sence.
6. Present Future
Sentence : She will wacth his favorite concert.
(dia akan menonton konser kesukaannya)
Reason : This sentence uses present future because it uses the word "will" which means future.
7. Present Continous
Sentence : We are playing badminton right now.
(kami akan bermain bulutangkis sekarang juga)
Reason : This sentence uses present continuous and contains V1 + ing (playing) because adverb of time is now.
8. Present Continous
Sentence : She is visiting her grandmother this morning.
(dia akan mengkunjungi neneknya pagi ini)
Reason : This sentence uses present continuous and contains V1 + ing (visiting) because adverb of time is this morning.
9. Combined 2 Tenses "After"
Sentence : She had left, after they come
sentence 1 sentence 2
(dia pergi, setelah mereka datang)
Reason : This sentence is a combination of 2 tenses that are combined with the word "After". Sentence 1 uses past perfect tense and sentence 2 uses simple past tense.
10. Combined 2 Tenses "When"
Sentence : I was wacthing korean drama, when my mother come.
Sentence 1 Sentence 2
(saya menonton drama korea, ketika ibuku datang
Reason : This sentence is a combination of 2 tenses that are combined with the word "When". Sentence 1 uses past continous tense and sentence 2 uses simple past tense
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